QA Management

Quality Assurance (QA) is a critical aspect of any IT project, and Previse’s QA management service is designed to ensure that the final product meets the highest standards of quality. Our QA team is comprised of experienced professionals who are dedicated to ensuring that all aspects of a project are thoroughly tested, and any issues are identified and resolved before the final product is delivered to the client.

Previse’s QA management service begins with the development of a comprehensive test plan, which outlines the testing that will be performed and the criteria that must be met for the project to be considered complete. The test plan includes a wide range of testing, including functional testing, usability testing, performance testing, and security testing.

During the testing phase, our QA team carefully examines each aspect of the product to ensure that it meets the required specifications. Any issues that are identified are documented and reported to the development team for resolution. Our QA team works closely with the development team throughout the testing phase, providing feedback and guidance to ensure that any issues are resolved quickly and effectively.

Once the testing phase is complete and all issues have been resolved, our QA team conducts a final review of the product to ensure that it meets the highest standards of quality. If any issues are identified during this final review, they are reported to the development team for resolution before the final product is delivered to the client.


Previse’s QA management service is designed to ensure that the final product is of the highest quality and meets the requirements of our clients. We understand that delivering a product with high quality is essential for our client’s satisfaction and success, that’s why we are committed to providing a thorough and comprehensive QA process ensures that every project is thoroughly tested, and any issues are identified and resolved before the final product is delivered.


Dedicated to providing valuable insights and knowledge that can drive growth and innovation for your business.


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